Planning to Visit the Philippines Soon?

There are hundreds of tourists attractions in the Philippines. But as a lover of the Island of Marinduque (Home of the Morions and Heart of the Philippines), I am indeed partial to its beauty, charm and its friendly and hospitable residents. Therefore, help me achieve my dream of seeing this island becomes a world tourist destination, by telling all your friends and relatives about this site. Welcome, to you all, new readers and faithful followers of this site! The photo above is Poctoy White Beach in Torrijos, Marinduque with beautiful and majestic Mt Malindig in the background. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing your copyrights.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Father's Day Photos and Escapade

Dinah visited me yesterday on Fathers Day. She gave me a Cacti-Succulent Garden ( see photos above) that I am very please to add to my collection. After Brunch, she drove me to Seafood City in Concord. I purchased mangoes and Pinoy Dishes ( Pork Blood Stew- Dinuguan and Kare-kare- Pigs Hocks and Ox tails in Peanut Sauce from Ima's Kitchen. There was a 10 minute wait to get service at Ima's since there were about ten customers ahead of me, but the food was worth the wait. 

Speaking of Filipino Food, Galen has finalized THD Lunch Excursion to FOB Restaurant in the Oakland Temescal District for June 20( See Brochure Above).    Here's my previous posting on this Michelin rated restaurant in the East Bay.

After the sumptuous brunch, Dinah and I had a leisurely drive to Concord and also in the Walnut Creek suburbs on our way to and from Seafood City and Ima's Restaurant at my request. We did not take the Freeway. The leisurely drive is an activity that I always treasure because it meant I got out of my Gilded Cage for fresh air. 

Here are some photos during our brunch: Martha, Carmen and Teresa also took some photos during the Brunch at Newtons. I am hoping they will share it with me soon.

Red and Yellow Mangoes, I purchased at SeaFood City in Concord. They were $1.29 each.


The last three photos were from the THD Page Book Page( 6/16/24) with the following Description

Happy Father’s Day! Our Residents & Families are celebrating with a fabulous Brunch in our onsite restaurant & patio!


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