Planning to Visit the Philippines Soon?

There are hundreds of tourists attractions in the Philippines. But as a lover of the Island of Marinduque (Home of the Morions and Heart of the Philippines), I am indeed partial to its beauty, charm and its friendly and hospitable residents. Therefore, help me achieve my dream of seeing this island becomes a world tourist destination, by telling all your friends and relatives about this site. Welcome, to you all, new readers and faithful followers of this site! The photo above is Poctoy White Beach in Torrijos, Marinduque with beautiful and majestic Mt Malindig in the background. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing your copyrights.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Building a Sense of Community Here at THD

In my recent blog one of my readers comments stated that my blogging activities contributes to building a sense of Community here at THD. I was flattered by the comment, but the term building a sense of community was not very clear in my mind. So I did some search and here's what I learned.    What does it mean to build a sense of community?


Dean Elias said...

Your blog is a creative way to cultivate a sense of community: thank you, David. . . Dean

Andi Shafer said...

A sense of community is vital for seniors living alone. Thank you, David, for contributing to that sense of community.

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