Planning to Visit the Philippines Soon?

There are hundreds of tourists attractions in the Philippines. But as a lover of the Island of Marinduque (Home of the Morions and Heart of the Philippines), I am indeed partial to its beauty, charm and its friendly and hospitable residents. Therefore, help me achieve my dream of seeing this island becomes a world tourist destination, by telling all your friends and relatives about this site. Welcome, to you all, new readers and faithful followers of this site! The photo above is Poctoy White Beach in Torrijos, Marinduque with beautiful and majestic Mt Malindig in the background. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing your copyrights.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Wall Mural at the Fairmont Building by Trenton Gregory

I talked to Trenton💚Gregory the other day. He said the two deers in his wall mural in the Fairmont Building ( THD) is now complete.  It is indeed beautiful and very realistic, Thank You Trenton for your art work. Your wall mural enhances and promotes the well-being and sense of contentment of the senior residents here at THD.  More Power to your Artistic Talent. 

Here are the other photos of the Fairmont Wall Mural that Trenton sent me recently.   

It has more vibrant details, more contrast and vibrancy as well as depth. 

Here is the other photo of the Mural, I took previously, before completion.

Here are the photos of ducks, heron, fox, and a rabbit and a small cottage which added more beauty and realism to the Gigantic Wall Mural.   

Meanwhile, the other day, I mentioned that I missed the Persimmon tree in the THD Garden and I was not sure what will be the replacement. Here are the photos I took today, including the ongoing landscaping improvement on the side of Fairmont as well as the new seating chairs in the swimming pool. The pool looks more spacious and inviting. 


Here's Trenton Gregory Website for Detail information about his Art Work.  

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