Planning to Visit the Philippines Soon?

There are hundreds of tourists attractions in the Philippines. But as a lover of the Island of Marinduque (Home of the Morions and Heart of the Philippines), I am indeed partial to its beauty, charm and its friendly and hospitable residents. Therefore, help me achieve my dream of seeing this island becomes a world tourist destination, by telling all your friends and relatives about this site. Welcome, to you all, new readers and faithful followers of this site! The photo above is Poctoy White Beach in Torrijos, Marinduque with beautiful and majestic Mt Malindig in the background. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing your copyrights.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

I Have My First Taste of Blood Orange Today

Types of Oranges: Photo Credit:

I saw that Blood oranges were on sale the other day in our neighborhood Safeway Store. I have never tasted blood oranges before because I prefer Navel oranges. But with the sale I ordered a couple of blood oranges because I am just curious. It is not as sweet as my favorite Navel variety, but the blood oranges have more nutrition and health benefits as described in the link below: 

Here's a brief summary from Wikipedia.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia: Blood Orange Slices

The blood orange is a variety of orange (Citrus × sinensis) (also referred to as raspberry orange) with crimson, almost blood-colored flesh.

The distinctive dark flesh color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a family of polyphenol pigments common to many flowers and fruit, but uncommon in citrus fruits.  Chrysanthemin (cyanidin 3-O-glucoside) is the main compound found in red oranges.  The flesh develops its characteristic maroon color when the fruit develops with low temperatures during the night. Sometimes, dark coloring is seen on the exterior of the rind, as well, depending on the variety of blood orange. The skin can be tougher and harder to peel than that of other oranges. Blood oranges have a unique flavor compared to other oranges, being distinctly raspberry-like in addition to the usual citrus notes. The anthocyanin pigments of blood oranges begin accumulating in the vesicles at the edges of the segments, and at the blossom end of the fruit, and continue accumulating in cold storage after harvest.

For Complete details of the health benefits of Blood Oranges read: 

Meanwhile, here's a recent photo from my album

My Beautiful Centerpiece- Papaya, Mango, Apple, Tangerines and a Blood Orange

Meanwhile, enjoy this recent photo from my collection:


Money Trees- Pachira Aquatica-one of my Favorite House



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