Planning to Visit the Philippines Soon?

There are hundreds of tourists attractions in the Philippines. But as a lover of the Island of Marinduque (Home of the Morions and Heart of the Philippines), I am indeed partial to its beauty, charm and its friendly and hospitable residents. Therefore, help me achieve my dream of seeing this island becomes a world tourist destination, by telling all your friends and relatives about this site. Welcome, to you all, new readers and faithful followers of this site! The photo above is Poctoy White Beach in Torrijos, Marinduque with beautiful and majestic Mt Malindig in the background. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing your copyrights.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Ten Unusual Words to Add to your Vocabulary-Part 2

This a continuation of my blog series on Unusual words to spice up your writings or add to your vocabulary. Enjoy!  

Word Genius
Part of Speech verb
Unknown, mid-17th century
Find out how to use "Transmogrify" in a sentence....
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Definition: Transmogrify
Transform in a surprising or magical manner.

Word Genius
Part of Speech noun
French, late 19th century
Find out how to use "Chartreuse" in a sentence....
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Definition: Chartreuse
A pale green or yellow liqueur made from brandy and aromatic herbs.

Word Genius
Part of Speech adjective
Greek, mid-17th century
Find out how to use "Stochastic" in a sentence....
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Definition: Stochastic
Randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.

Word Genius
Part of Speech adjective
French, early 19th century
Find out how to use "Glyptic" in a sentence....
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Definition: Glyptic
Of or concerning carving or engraving.

Word Genius
Part of Speech noun
Italian, early 15th century
Find out how to use "Sprezzatura" in a sentence....
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Definition: Sprezzatura
Studied carelessness, especially as a characteristic quality or style of art or literature.

Word Genius
Part of Speech adjective
Latin, late 18th century
Find out how to use "Rupestrian" in a sentence....
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